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Saturday 8 October 2011

Mi Amigo Benny :)

Whoever told me that there's a sad lack of amazing people in this world, obviously hasn't met my best friend.
Although we've only known each other for about a year (our 1st friendiversary is like...Nov 11 or something!) me and Benny have pretty much been besties from the start. Well, not the very start...see, I met him down at this youth conference thing and I really thought he was a creeper. Probably cuz the first time he saw me, he said, "Oh, dude! I know you from Facebook!!"
Never ever tell a girl that.
anyhow, long story short: I got over his weirdness, and he got over mine, and now we're buddies :)
The thing that sucks about our friendship (the ONLY thing that sucks about it, mind you) is that we get so much crap for being friends. It seems like no one understands that we DO NOT LIKE EACHOTHERRRRRR!!!!!!
I mean, really, do you think we'd lie about it? No we wouldn't.
^That was my venting portion of this blog.
Anyhow, Benny is pretty much the coolest person ever. We watch Tangled together, try to speak Spanish, look up Bible verses about children getting eaten by bears (I think it's 2 Samuel 2:23 or something), and save baby narwhals. It's pretty amazing. And I love knowing that no matter what, he's always there for me. And he doesn't mind the fact that I'm totally addicted to coffee and have my moments of complete blondness.
Oh and if you ever meet Benny, you have to make him sing "the Sadie Hawkins dance" by relient k. Tis probably the most entertaining thing EVER.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you hit the triple digits for page views! Good for you! ;-)
