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Thursday 27 October 2011


So there’s this song by Sanctus Real, called “I’m Not Alright”. If you don’t know this song, you should go look it up before or after you read this, because it’s amazing. Anyways, this song really got me thinking…but it wasn’t just this song, I guess it was a combination of the song and the lesson from yesterday’s youth group. Our youth leader Matt was talking about masks we wear. Masks that tell people something about us, that isn’t always true. So I started thinking about what kind of masks I wear.
At first, I couldn’t think of any. I had deluded myself enough to think that I’m ALWAYS real with people about how I feel.
Well guess what you guys……I do wear masks. My favorite mask is (and by favorite I mean the one I hide behind most often) “I’m alright, you can’t hurt me and I don’t need you”. Funny, because when I wear that mask, obviously I’m not alright, you most certainly can hurt me and I do need you.
But my question is….how the heck do I get this sucky mask off? How do I NOT put it on when I’m around people that I feel I need to protect myself from?
If you have suggestions….feel free to comment. God knows I need help…..


  1. I think when someone realizes this... It's a start. And all you can really do is do what your gut, your instinct, that Holy Ghost conscience, is urging you to do.

  2. I've actually been thinking about this after I read it, trying to figure out an answer. Not only for you, but also for me.
    I think I came to the conclusion that it's not something that's just going to happen. It's not one of those things that after you decide you need to do it, it's done. You know, what I mean? I think it's a gradual process. One of those things that you have to wake up every morning and decide "I'm not going to put on this mask today." Or even when you're faced with the decision to put on the mask or not, right then and there decide. If that makes sense...
    Also, I've written my final blog post that includes you in it. I hope that's alright. I just wanted to give you the link, so you can read it.
    P.S. You're blog is neato.

  3. P.P.S. I also meant to say, that another thing about the certain mask you said you have.
    Just realize that people can handle what you have to tell them. If you're hurt, tell them. If you're sad about something, let it out. Okay. I'm done.

  4. Sometimes there ARE people you need to protect yourself from. Being upfront and honest is great, but sharing the details of your life with people who only bring you down is not.

    Being hurt by someone is never fun, but I think it makes our skin grow a little thicker. Denying hurt=no good, but accepting it, learning from it, and also learning to not takes things personally helps....

    just my rambling thoughts =) <3 te quiero chica.

  5. Thanks Lauren, I think that's a great idea :)
    And as for your blog... Thank you so much, I'm really sorry for everything that happened. I really do think it's all gonna work out though<3

  6. Wow, sorry Liv I didn't see your comment until today. Great advice! :) Love ya mi amiga!
