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Tuesday 3 January 2012

a change of heart?

So…you know how I said I was staying single forever?
Well…I may or may not have had a change of heart.
I mean, as far as being open to someone….in a few years, like not now but…later. I donno.
I started the book out thinking; there are only three kinds of guys? For real? Okay fine, I don’t like any of them soooo goodbye. Then I started thinking about all the different guys I know and how I can’t fit them into just one category. The categories are (in case you have no idea what I’m talking about), Visionary, Mr. Steady, and Command Man.  But like a wise friend of mine (*cough* Livvy *cough*) said, ‘you can’t put people in boxes’. This is a shame, because I really enjoy having an organized thought process especially when it comes to things like guys, and now this just totally messed everything up for me. (thanks a lot Livvy. =P)
So now that I learned I can’t put people (especially boys) in organized file folders of Visionary, Steady, and Command Man, I am at a complete loss at what to do with myself. And being the organized mad woman that I am (…only when it comes to thinking), I decided to go against EVERYTHING all my wise girlfriends told me and….I made another list.
I KNOW. It’s bad; it’s terrible, now I’m doomed to failure in all my relationships. As a friend of mine always says when he finds himself in these kinds of situations (and it never ceases to annoy the crap out of me….like, really dude? THAT’S your comeback?): “Well….shoooot.”
So here is a list of absolutely uncompromisable (Microsoft Word won’t accept that word, which concerns me greatly because I use it quite often) traits that I need in a guy (In order):
1.       This goes without saying, but I want a man who’s fully devoted to God in every way. One who can help me grow in my own faith.
2.       I want a guy with an absolutely wicked sharp sense of humor. Yes, wit and sarcasm…the ability to make me laugh.
3.       I want him to love my family and respect my parents like I do. And I want to love and respect his family as well.
4.       I want to reverence him. I want to have an overwhelming respect for him. If I can’t respect a guy, then he isn’t the one for me.
5.       I need someone who’s abounding in patience. Because….well, I can be a handful (nervous smile).
6.       Oh, and this is verging on dumb, but I want a guy who loves music as much as I do…I mean because, music is SUCH a HUUUGGGGEEEEEE part of my life that I need someone who understands and is supportive of it and what not. Just my thoughts.
So yes, I made a list. And I can’t decide what “category” or…categories this guy would fit into.
However, as I started thinking about everything I, a good little Christian homeschool girl, want in a guy… I also started thinking about what a “good Christian homeschool (not that I’ve totally set my heart on homeschoolers only or anything…it’s just a frosting on the cake kind of deal) guy” would want in a girl. This……..was difficult. Because…I need to work on stuff.
Like patience. However, I’m terrified to ask God for patience because last time I asked Him for it, my world seemingly fell to pieces and I met a lot of strange people. So I haven’t asked Him for that in a while.
Also, I’ve been trying to be more…how shall we say it…tidy? Yeah, so not my thing, but I’m workin’ on it.
And of course I’ve totally just become Little Miss Susie Homemaker (sarcasm). I mean, I even made my own guacamole yesterday.
Yeah..I know, it looks yucky. But it's delish.

And a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake (because I can’t bake a good cookie to save my life)…..
It was about as good as it looks...Just sayin'
An upclose look at my chocolate drizzling mad skills.

(If you want the recipe just comment below or head over to our (why I say “our” I don’t know, I’m starting to wonder if I’m schizophrenic or something.) facebook “like” page, I’ll be posting the recipes on there super soon.)
So yeah, like I said…I’m trying to be a “better, more organized, patient, joyful, way better at cooking and stuff person” this year, because I want to go in to a relationship (someday…MAYBE) KNOWING that I have something to give. I want to feel confident that I can “run a home” and cook more than boxed macaroni. Not to diss Mac & Cheese or anything, but we can’t live on just that alone (unfortunately).


  1. When God writes your love story is a great book. I think you would enjoy it! :)

  2. Making a list of attributes you want in a guy isn't bad - it's good to know what's important to you. But you're doing the right thing in asking what the guy would want! I panicked myself the other day doing that. "I can't make a cheesecake! I'm a failure nobody would marry!" =D

  3. Courtney, funny you say that because yesterday one of my buddies asked me if I wanted to borrow that book. I said yes of course! ha :)

    Livvy, comment. Haha =P

    Ella, That seriously made me laugh out loud :D How bout you can make cookies for my man and I'll make cheesecake for yours! bahaha!
