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Monday 31 October 2011

and i was like, baby baby baby noooooooo!

Yesterday I held a baby.
Not just an ordinary baby….I held my friends Ryan and Anna’s baby, named Darcy. She’s a sweet little thing with pink cheeks and tons of dark hair. When Anna handed her to me I didn’t really know what the heck I was doing. She was like…….wiggling aaand I pretty much thought I was going to drop her.
You see…I am TERRIBLE with children. In my humble opinion. I mean, I don’t lose my patience or anything…I just don’t know what the heck to do with them! Especially 5+, they’re the hardest because…they talk…a lot. And they have the energy I don’t have even when I’ve had one of those handy double shot frappuccino things. I remember babysitting kids that age that would literally tackle me and pretty much beat me up. Or run circles around me until I was out of air and suggested nap time….but alas, 5+ year olds don’t take naps. The worst trick a 5+ munchkin can pull is hiding (when you’re not playing hide and seek) and not coming out from wherever they are when you call them. One time when I was babysitting a 2 and 5 year old, the 5 year old hid. The 2 year old was sleeping. I ran around the house calling and searching everywhere. I even ran around the woods with the baby monitor, looking. Then coming in exasperated and worried sick, I found her under her parent’s bed. So now whenever kids pull this, I talk loudly about leaving and going to the beach or something and sooner or later I hear the pitter patter of little kids running down the hallway.
Anyways, back to baby Darcy…..
Let me just say, that she is one of the most beautiful babies I have EVER seen. This is a big thing for me, considering that I’m not I was never the ‘baby type’. However, while I was holding sweet Darcy…I found that I actually WANTED a baby.
Never. No. No way. Not Happening. This is insanity.
And I keep thinking back to babysitting my Pastor’s sweet little girl Lily and I thought….”hey…maybe I’m not THAT bad with kids….” And I suppose I might be an okay mom someday…I mean, if I get sick of my kids I can always ship them off to live with my mom right? Ha, just kidding.
So now….when I see pictures of Anna and Ryan’s baby on Facebook, I get these foreign happy tear things….it’s weird. I think I need to go see a psychologist or something because I OBVIOUSLY have a MAJOR problem here.

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