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Sunday 29 January 2012

Skiiiiiiiiiing =)

('s one of the most un-organized blog posts ever. If it doesn't make sense I apologize)
If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my short lifetime, it’s this: Making myself like snowboarding is IMPOSSIBLE.
I’ve been trying on and off for three years, the more I do it…the more I dislike it. I envy all the snowboarders flying by me as I sit on top of the hill taking like, a half hour just to strap my board on. I marvel at their ease as they carve the hills in half the time it takes me to move five feet. I sigh in remorseful disgust that after three years of literal blood, sweat, and a whole lot of back/butt/knee pain, all I have to show for myself is…

Yeah. Nothing. I mean, I can (sometimes) switch from heel side to toe side, and I figured out that I’m goofy, and I learned how to fall in a way that doesn’t hurt as bad…but other than that, nothing.
So a few days ago some of my friends were going skiing, and it put an idea in my head. I skied for about six or something years before I switched to snowboarding, so why couldn’t I do it again? And so alas, I headed over to the ski lodge a few hours before everyone else, and I rented some skis. As I trotted out to the bunny hill, I pasted a smile on my face and thought happy optimistic thoughts. For all I knew, I was going to own this. Ninja skills. Boom.
So I owned the bunny hill. Twice. Then I moved on to the next hill, “Camelot” and I screamed inwardly all the way down. However, I survived and I did it again and again. Then I went inside and waited for everyone else. They came. We went down Camelot once, I dropped my glove on the way up the lift, twice, and then we went over to the next lift. This one is relatively fast and I prayed all the way up as my friends Jon and Martin laughed at my ludicrousness. If I weren’t so petrified at that moment, they would have found my ski poles lodged securely in their faces.
Getting off the lift wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. Going down the hill? That’s another story…see, everyone started off before me except for Jon. I’d say that they were a good two hundred yards ahead of me when I took off. I started out trying to make nice big turns but then I lost control and involuntarily flew by the rest of my group. I screamed bloody murder all the way down as I felt myself “get air” (like two inches) on the slightness bump or imperfection in the snow. I almost hit several people on the way down, but at least God spared me that humiliation. At the bottom of the hill, I was amazed that I didn’t fall and break something. I stood there before the lift for like, five minutes just in shock. I started laughing and babbling like an idiot. I think all my friends thought I was (am?) mental and they graciously gave me a few minutes to gather my wits. Seeing that I probably never would, we moved on. The next hill was pretty much the same story. Then we tried it again and everyone tried teaching me how to turn. I failed. On the next hill they tried again. I failed again. Well actually. I did great for the first hundred yards or so…but after that…fail. I was truly amazed and grateful at the patience and good (great actually) humor of the friends I was with.
After we were all froze have to death, we went inside the lodge and warmed up and joked around.
 Let me tell you a little bit about the group I was with…
Leah: One of my best friends and the nicest person I know. Oh my goodness, I swear, my dear Leah is an angel. She’s SOOOO sweet and funny and everywhere she goes she leaves people smiling. Loveeee her!
Matt: Don’t REALLY know him that well, but from what I do know…he’s really funny. So much so that I’m intimidated. It’s kind of hysterical. Also, he has the patience of a saint.
Martin: COMPLETE DORK. He’ll do anything to make you laugh. He also has an afro. It’s pretty wicked awesome.
Jon: (Matt’s younger brother) Funniest person ever. Also the most opinionated, harsh, sarcastic guy I’ve ever met. He draws awesome cows. He’s pretty cool.
And then there’s me: …not sure how to describe myself other than slightly strange…and I’m not saying that as a compliment.
Anyways, Leah had to leave and after that we all went back out on Camelot. Then Matt helped me with my turning and stuff which was really really nice of him.
All in all, twas a lovely evening AND I only fell once. So, I decided to give up snowboarding like, forever, and go back to skiing. Not that I like it, I don’t. But I’ll keep trying. (Fakes a half smile)
So yeah…there ya have it.


  1. You sound exactly how I am when I ski Holly ! =)Keep trying and don't give up! =)

  2. Haha, we should go together sometime Rachel!
