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Sunday 22 January 2012

Homeschooling 101

You If you’re reading this, and you know me, you probably know that I’m homeschooled...have been all my life. And like every other homeschooler that has ever stepped out of doors, I’ve faced every question about homeschooling, imaginable. Sometimes I marvel at the stupidity of people’s questions, like, “Do you have any friends?” After being asked this I generally stare rudely at the inquisitor before answering a stiff, “Yes.” When they ask how I made them, I simply reply, “The same way you make yours.” See, a lot of people assume that just because we do school at home, we do everything else at home too. THAT IS A LIE.
Another question would be, “Don’t you hate being so sheltered?” There’s really nothing to say to this. So I laugh. I’m not as “sheltered” as everyone thinks. True I didn’t hear of the “F word” until a few years ago, but that’s just because I didn’t have a facebook (I’m NOT bashing my F bombing friends and relatives. No, you don’t offend me. I’m making a point, kay?) But other than that I wouldn’t say I’m super sheltered. And I think being “sheltered” is a good thing. I’m seriously considering raising my children without TV (with the exception of Fox News, because my kids are going to be into politics and stuff. Sarcastic smile...)
Growing up, all my aunts and uncles would come up to me and be all, “Hey Holly, I know you’re getting a good education and all…but you have no social opportunities whatsoever! You should go to public school.”  Of course at this I would fight the urge to roll my eyes as I’d give them a list of activities I was in with other people, such as, “church, homeschool group, softball, ballet, drama group…” Yeah, I had/have friends, okay?
Another thing is that a lot of people just assume that we’re either totally dumb and unmotivated, or super nerdy and graduated at 9 years old. I’m not going to mislead you here, there are those kinds of homeschoolers out there BUT most of us are normal. By normal I mean, we blend in with the rest of you.
A lot of people out there like to associate all homeschoolers with the Duggars. Not saying that’s a bad thing, because it isn’t. The Duggars seem like very sweet lovely people. But I don’t know a lot of homeschoolers like them. And in case you’re wondering, homeschoolers don’t wear skirts because their homeschooled. They wear them if they go to a church that demands it (I’m not slamming those churches. I’m just clarifying between homeschooling and religion).
It seems like whenever I’m with a group of my homeschooled friends, we always end up talking politics, religion, and current events. You know everything they say you shouldn’t talk about in polite company?
There’s another rumor about us that’s going around. It’s this idea that homeschoolers only listen to classic music. We don’t. If you don’t believe me, here’s a peak at a small portion of my musical library:
Adele, The Beastie Boys, The Black Hollies, Blondie, Brakesbrakesbrakes, Chris August, Disciple, Foster the people (My favorite),  Grandaddy (not my grandpa, go look them up), Jack Johnson, Johnny Cash, Jon Foreman, Lecrae, My Bloody Valentine, Needtobreathe, Owl City, The Raveonettes, Relient K, Switchfoot, etc etc etc.
So as you see… no classical music to be found. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy it if I heard it. That’s just because I have an appreciation for just about every genre.
Yet another assumption people make is this, “So you just like, wake up whenever you want and do school in your pajamas right?”
Actually, believe it or not…we have schedules just like the rest of you. At least, in my house we have to get up and start school by nine and YES we do school in our pjs.  So, no to sleeping in – yes to being comfy.
Oh and what else, I’ve heard crap about homeschoolers being really shy and all…which cracks me up every time because I’ve met a TON of shy “public schoolers” too.  And yeah, some of us are shy, but most of us are just as loud and obnoxious as every other person our age.
I told myself that I wouldn’t go on about the advantages of homeschooling and all the reasons I’m not going to public school, and don’t even want to, and so I won’t. I’m not going to say that one is better than the other, because I really think that it depends on the person. And the parents. I’ve  known some families over the years where I’ve thought, “Oh my gosh woman, put your kids in school for Pete’s sake.” And I’ve also known some kids in school that want to be homeschooled, and would do so much better that way. It kind of makes me want to start a little one room school house ordeal. Like…homeschooling…in public. But that would be almost just like regular schooling so….yeah.
I’d really like to make a list of, “You know you’re homeschooled when….”
Here, let’s try it:
-You know you’re homeschooled when, anything below a 3.5 GPA is “failing”.
- You know you’re homeschooled when, you watch the news as opposed to The Office.
-You know you’re homeschooled when, you’re done with school by lunch time.
-You know you’re homeschooled when, you actually have a wonderful relationship with your parents and siblings.
-You know you’re homeschooled when, you take your own school pictures.
-You know you’re homeschooled when, you walk into a high school for some reason or another, and can’t figure out how to use the bathroom sink. (You know the big ones that you have to step on the pedal to get the water to come out? Most confusing thing ever)
…I could probably make up a billion more of them, but I’d like to hear yours! Comment :)
                                                    Weird things we homeschoolers do in our spare time... :)
                                                  See? Told you I have friends. This is our drama group.
                                                       This is the band I'm in. We're all homeschooled.
                                                                           School pics.
Chess tournament?
                                                           Some of my nerdy homeschool friends.

                                                    Is it just me, or does this SCREAM, "I'm Homeschooled!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. hi, my name's Sovannah and I'm homeschooled too- A.C.E homschooling. I read your post, & I think it's very interesting. And I have to agree, sometimes people can just ask the weirdest questions and my uncles & aunts always r like, "Hey kid, I know you’re getting a good education and all…but you have no social opportunities whatsoever! You should go to public school.”

    But I'd have to say some homeschoolers r different. I've met a boy, and his schooling was weird- like he could hardly read. Thats cuz his type was he chooses what career he wants and that's all he learns. I've met homeschoolers that have a "group." Or do puplic curriculem online. As for me, I'm a very social person, like i'd love to get into volunteering, sports, auto school, jobs, mission trips, go 2 church etc. But ... eh, my mom is just no good at these things. And kind of over "shelters" me, yeah it's complicated. But even with the "isolation" I'm not totally ignorant of the puplic world- so whoever came up with that idea is wrong. Period. And I hate classic music! Matter of fact I'm into metal- depending on the song.

    But, yeah, i think homeschooling is a great education but i do think it is necessary to have outside experience and take extra classes. :)


    ... you know when you're homeschooled when all your puplic school friends don't ever have a clue what you're talking about.
