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Friday 30 December 2011

not to be confused with love or anything...

WARNING: Ahem, if you're easily offended please do both of us a favor and don't read this. really, I mean it. I don't want any whining, kay? This is me venting. Deal with it.

For those of you still reading....

I am so SICK of.....oh how can I put it in one or two words?

I guess I can't.

Basically, you know those friends on facebook who just "fell in love" and their posting all this crap whether it be pictures, lyrics, or hearts upon hearts, and all that?
Yeah, well I'm so sick of it. I mean, it doesn't bother me ALL the, I see my friends Hannah and Noelle and their guys and I think it's cute! But God forbid, it drives me INSANE when it comes to other people! Like the whole "Omg, he bought me chocolateeee! Let’s take a billion pictures of the box and the wrappers and me eating it and then post it on faceboooooook" (as far as I know, none of my friends have done that....I'm just using it as an example.) thing. And when they post dumb lyrics on each other’s walls for real, I mean if my "boyfriend" posted cheesy lyrics on my wall every day....well, I'd be changing my relationship status to "single".
 Forgive me, but I'm simply not taken by sweet words. Especially when SOMEONE ELSE WROTE THEM. Can I get a witness? Autie, I know you're reading this, you have to agree right?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash my facebook friends or anything. I don't *HAVE* to go to their pages....but my gosh, it's disgusting.

And it kind of got me thinking....those dumb guys (sorry) and their flowers and chocolates and lyrics....I mean, I don't know how to say this...I guess, if THAT'S how you're ''winning'' your girl, then you need to get your priorities straight my friend.
Yeah I mean, it's totally flattering to receive chocolate (especially when you remember her favorite kind) and flowers (but only if you PICKED THEM YOURSELF, come's SO much more romantic.) and lyrics (if you sing them on her voicemail or something…I think that’d be cute/funny/still insanely dumb and cheesy)...but if that's all you're doing...
I mean, what about quality time? What about things that aren't going to die, be eaten, or go out of style? What about the things that are important to relationships? Like religion, politics (yep, I said it), ethics, and family? The things that are gonna last, you know? Maybe I'm insane. Or maybe they are.
I mean, look at it this can't buy friendship so what makes you think you can buy a girlfriend? 'Nuff said.
So after taking notes on what I'm not going to do if/when I get "in a relationship" (even though I'm staying single forever)...I came up with 4 major no-no's.

1. No, "I love you moooorrrreeeeee".
2. No posting random "<3 <3 <3 <3" stuff on his wall.
3. No, "Eeeep!!! It’s our four week anniversaryyyy I love youuu babeee!!! <3" stuff.
4. And no matter how cute we are together, I will not take picture updates of us every single day. People don't change that much in 24 hours. Sorry.


  1. They be dropping the L-bomb left and right.... haha.

  2. Hahahahahahahaha sorry, I'm laughing because not having FB rids my life of a lot of stuff like that. =D

  3. This made me laugh it is seriously the most annoying thing in the world, my facebook is covered with exactly what you are talking about.

  4. Yes, I am reading this and you are SO FUNNY!! And absolutely right! I don't think I'm going to ever get Facebook because I'd just get annoyed and post snarky comments on all the little lovebirds' updates, and that's not very nice.
    This qualifies as "Autie's Favorite Post Ever" btw. :))

  5. My dear Holly-girl,
    Thank you for making me laugh every single day since your birth. You are a delight!
    Love, Mom

  6. Livvy: Um, you just made me laugh out loud dear :)
    Ella: I miss you being on facebook :(
    Benny: Yeah, it's pretty much the most annoying thing ever =/
    Autie: I do post "snarky comments" on their updates, because I'm "not very nice"! Haha :D
    Mumma, You're welcome! hehe, hopefully someday I'll be as much of a delight as you<3<3<3

  7. I don't miss FB! =D Ya see, I stalk you with my Mom's so why have my own? =D Bahahaha

  8. You said it girl!
